Petra Hahn's Fundraiser

Celebrate 45 years of innovation at the Emma Goldman Clinic!
Stand with me in supporting Iowa's only local, independent, feminist clinic.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Join me in celebrating innovative, excellent feminist healthcare at the Emma Goldman Clinic. We can help the clinic serve more clients than ever before by celebrating Emma's 45th anniversary together!
What is important about being an INDEPENDENT clinic?
The first clinics providing reproductive health and abortion services to marginalized populations were independent clinics established by feminists in the local community in which they lived.
What is important about being a LOCAL clinic?
Feminist clinics, including Emma, paved the way in local communities by establishing trust with the local and regional medical community, building rapport with law enforcement and local government, and by supporting and utilizing the services of local businesses.
What is important about being a FEMINIST clinic?
Emma was founded in the principles of feminism, and blazed the trail for patient advocacy in modern healthcare. Here are our tenants of feminist healthcare:
- Full participation in one's own healthcare
- Access to information and informed decision-making
- Provision of care to traditionally underserved and marginalized populations
- Acknowledging and minimizing power imbalances
- Challenging the medicalization of women's healthcare
- Women as experts of their own bodies